In our fast paced data world, most of the times we are in a hurry to submit reports to our end users without fully testing their data integrity and consistency. That's why I've come up with these checks that we can do on our SSRS reports when peer reviewing them. The steps are simple 'Yes' and 'No' answers that will help speed up the Testing process as well as standerdise it. I've separated the data quality checks in the following sections:
Quality Checks
Layout & Design Testing
1. Verify the Report layout as per specification
2. Verify Title of report and service Logo is correct*
3. Verify if Header and Footer are correct and displayed on all the pages *
4. Verify the numbering on pages are in sequence*
5. Verify the Font, Font Size and pattern, alignment of texts and numbers are as per specification
6. Verify images are of an acceptable quality (not blurry) and as expected
7. Verify if links provided in reports are correct and open to right page*
8. If report has tables, then check if data is displayed proper format, rightly aligned and Column headings are correct*
9. If reports have Graphs, check if it’s not broken up into pages, are visible enough and have headings*
10. Verify if the dates displayed on the reports are in same predefined format
11. Verify Report creation date, Author are displayed correctly.
12.Verify Index table contents (like headings and page#) are correct and points to right page
Data Validation
1. Verify that the number of records displayed in the report are correct and no records are missing.
2. Verify Data Integrity against datasets in report
2a. Run a query against the source tables to extract the same data as the report (e.g. run SQL in SSMS)
2b. Verify if all the calculations on reports are correct (for e.g., Total, Average, Max, Min)
2c. If report has Summary and Details Tabs, verify if the data matches totals as expected
2d. Verify if data satisfies the filter conditions (for. e.g. Date Range, IDs etc...) correctly
3. Verify if all the graphs correlate with data*
Performance Testing
1. Check how much time report takes to generate and it’s not exceeding time given in requirement*
2. Verify how much time it takes to download*
3. Verify if it takes reasonable time to export in supported format*
Random Checks
1. Verify that the number of records displayed in the report are correct and no records are missing.
2. Verify if report can be exported and opens correctly in all requested formats
3. Verify if reports print correctly* and margins fit etc
4. Verify if report can be sent as an attachment in and opens correctly*
5. Is it possible to distribute the report (e.g. by email, shared drive, feed etc.) as required?
6. Check the subscriptions of a report.